Bartender License - BarTender Licensing Service (BLS) for all Bartender Versions by Infinite Solutions Introduction to Printer-Based Licensing Licensing for BarTender software is managed by controlling the maximum number of printers that can be used per license. Available printers can be connected to a local computer or located anywhere on a LAN or WAN network. The maximum number of printers that you can use depends on the licensed edition of BarTender that you are running. All editions of BarTender allow an unlimited number of users per license. BarTender Licensing Service The BarTender Licensing Service (BLS) is a Windows system service that runs unattended and enforces printer licensing by monitoring the printers that BarTender uses. It does not print items or communicate with printers in any way. BLS must be installed on at least one computer on your network in order to print BarTender documents. WAN Considerations If you plan to implement a system in which BarTender communicates with BLS over a WAN, refer to the WAN Usage Guidelines chapter of this technical document. Using BarTender with Remote Desktop Services and Citrix Virtual Apps If you plan to use BarTender with Windows Remote Desktop Services (RDS) or with Citrix Virtual Apps, refer to the Using BarTender with Remote Desktop Services and Citrix Virtual Apps chapter of this technical document. How the Licensing Service Manages Printer-Based Licensing BarTender Licensing Service (BLS) runs unattended on any computer on the network and performs the following functions: MonitorsandtracksallprintingactivitybyallcopiesofBarTenderthatareinstalledona network, keeping track of the total number of printers that are being used AuthorizesBarTenderprintrequestsbasedonthenumberofprintersthatarebeingused You can use the Printer Usage page in Administration Console to monitor the printer-related activity that BLS collects and to manage printer permissions. BLS does not require either a dedicated computer or a server operating system. You can optionally run a copy of BarTender on the same computer. #InfiniteSolutions #BarcodePrinters #Printronix #Printronix T4000 #PrintronixT6000 #PrintronixT8000 #PrintronixT800 #PrintronixT6000WithODV #PrintronixT8000WithODV #PrintronixWithODV #ODVwithISOStandards #BestPrinterDealer #No1PrinterDealer #TopPrinter Dealer #BestServiceCentreTSC #TopServiceCentreTSC #No1ServiceCentreTSC #BestAuthorisedServiceCenterTSC #TopAuthorisedServiceCenterTSC #No1AuthorisedServiceCenterTSC #PrintronixPartner #BestPrintronixPartner #TopPrintronixPartner #AfforableTSCPrinterDealer #OriginalTSCHead #PrintronixPartner #BestPrintronixPartner #TopPrintronixPartner #AfforableTSCPrinterDealer #OriginalTSCHead #BarcodesLabel Design& Label Printing #Bartender #BartenderAuthorisedSalesPartner #BartenderAuthorisedPartner #BartenderPartner #PrintronixT6204ODV #AmazonTransparencylabels #Saynotosoftwarepiracy #BLS #BartenderLicensingSystem #BartenderDownload #ZebraPrinterDriver #TSCprinterDriver #HoneywellPrinterDriver #PrintronixPrinterDriver
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